Well, life hasn't been easy since we got home. Grace seems to think that she doesn't need much sleep. She actually is acting like an adult. She wakes up multiple times during the night and wakes up for good between 4-5:30am every day. I'm not kidding. She really hasn't slept past 5:45 even once. She is ready to go, "Eat ceweal" is the first thing she says almost every day. I need my sleep, so many days are full of conflict.
It also seems that we can't be healthy for more than a couple days. Between the 4 of us there have been colds, throw-ups and Montezuma's revenge (if you know what I mean). Oh, well, this is the life of being a parent I suppose. I keep telling myself, this too shall pass.
Tyler's birthday is tomorrow, he'll be a year! Time flies and I need to start learning how to keep up.
Despite all the craziness we have managed to have some fun.
Having nice enough weather to go outside also puts smiles on our faces.